Church, on the corner of Vojvode Mišica and Dr. Pantica is dedicated to the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God. It was built in a longer time interval, from 1837 to the middle of the 19th century. The most famous masters at the time, such as Kosta Dimovic, Dimitrije Sotirovic, Teodor Teodorovic, were involved in the realization.

The church has an elongated base, with the eastern part arranged as a triconch, while in the west rises a high bell tower, which, like other parts of the building, is decorated in the style of classicism, with decorative elements in the form of blind arcades, pilasters, lazen, horizontal wreath. The roof is gabled with sheet metal as a cover.

The interior of the temple is dominated by a tall iconostasis from 1865, realized in the spirit of classicism, with icons painted by Nikola Markovic, a famous Serbian painter of the second half of the 19th century.

According to the project of Božidar Petrovic, a large church house was built next to the temple.

In the last few years, work has been done on the complete renovation of this church.

Churches and temples

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